Friday, October 23, 2009

Incipit sermones thomistici recalcitrantis...

I suppose it's best to begin with an introduction.
As a graduate student in philosophy, I gained a reputation for being staunchly Thomistic (and derivatively, staunchly Aristotelian). I was that guy who always had some Thomistic objection, or made some Thomistic point, or wanted to talk about metaphysics and natural theology or natural law or virtue ethics. In a broader discussion about Descartes' Meditationes (and my obstinant resistance to them as an undergraduate), the chair of the philosophy department suggested that I was "born with a Thomistic spoon in my mouth." Later, a fellow classmate obliquely referred to me as a recalcitrant Thomist. This seemed like an excellent name for a blog (not only to me, but to several friends as well), and now here we are: a blog about politics, culture, religion, and philosophy from the point of view of the Recalcitrant Thomist.

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